
Preliminary Examinations :

UPSC CSE is very easy if you will follow these books :

There are two papers for UPSC CSE Prelims :

1: General Studies

2: CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test)

Both papers are objective types with Negative Marking .

Best Book Lists : Book List for UPSC CSE 2024 Preparation

History :

  1. India’s Struggle for Independence – Bipan Chandra
  2. Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania
  3. NCERT XI (Ancient & Medieval)
  4. NCERT XII (Modern Indian History)

Geography :

  1. Certificate Physical Geography – G C Leong
  2. NCERT VI – X (Old Syllabus)
  3. NCERT XI, XII (New Syllabus)
  4. World Atlas (Orient Black Swan)

Indian Polity :

  1. Indian Polity – M Laxmikanth

Economics :

  1. Indian Economy by Nitin Singhania
  2. Economic Development & Policies in India – Jain & Ohri

International Relations :

  1. NCERT XII (Contemporary World Politics)
  2. Current Affairs

CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test)

  1. Tata McGraw Hill CSAT Manual
  2. Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning – R S Aggarwal

Best strategy for preparation :

  1. Before starting preparation for this exam go through syllabus.
  2. When you understand the syllabus. Then
  3. Start with NCERTs .
  4. Why NCERT : Because that will help you to understand the basic terms and will also help for Mains.
  5. Make a strategy to complete all subject according to your schedule.
  6. You can start with subject wise , Means once complete one subject then start with standard book .
  7. OR you can complete all subjects with NCERT then start one by one with standard books .

Current Affairs Tips :

  1. Start reading newspaper today & make special notes for current affairs.
  2. Do not wait for coaching materials for current affairs .
  3. You will build your understanding with newspapers only.
  4. Follow any one YouTube channel for daily analysis for newspaper (But any one not more than one)
  5. Do not waste your time on so many online recourses.

Time Management :

During UPSC Preparation a single minutes matters where it is going .

Use time wisely

Keep yourself away from social media like :

facebook , Tweeter , Instagram etc.

Most important tips for preparation :

Start solving Last year question papers

You can buy online or from any shop or you can download from internet also .

Do not take easy . Previous year question papers will help you to understand that what UPSC wants from aspirants .

Nature of questions

pattern of questions

All the best !!

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